Learning & Development

Eco Council

As the world has become increasingly aware of its environmental impact, so have the children of Red Lane. 

Over the past few years, our Eco Council (Year 2-6) have worked to make our school a more biodiverse place, not just for the benefit of nature, but for our own well-being. They have worked to create their own Eco Code for Red Lane, to promote our shared values with one another and our wider school community:


As a result of their hard work,  at the end of July 2023, the school achieving its first Eco-Schools Green Flag Award. 


Eco-related learning is fully integrated into the children’s provision at Red Lane, with Enrichment sessions teaching Eco units of work from Y1 to Y6, using Eco Schools 10 Topics as their basis.  In addition to this, Year 4 attend Forest Schools, again, learning how to use the natural world around them respectfully, whilst having fun.  All of this provides the pupils with a solid foundation, which is furthered through Eco aspects within the Science Curriculum’s Living Things and Their Habitats units of study.

Eco enrichment overview

Transport: Children in different year groups undertook road traffic surveys and Y4 experienced traveling to Manchester via the MetroLink trams, experiencing the use of mass transit, instead of using buses and cars.  School Council undertook fund-raising in order to raise money for bicycle racks and the Eco Council promoted an ‘Anti-Idling’ message for parked cars through the school’s newsletter.


Litter: The recycling of paper and bottles was promoted, alongside Eco Council members and Year 3 children undertaking litter picks around the school grounds.

Biodiversity: The number of plants within the school building, both within classrooms and communal areas was greatly increased.  The school, as part of our 70th anniversary celebrations, planted new trees.  Gardening clubs and pupils within Enrichment groups also created bird feeders, which were hung around the school grounds.

Marine: As a school, we raised £237.60 towards the following charities:

  • WWF £36 Animal Sponsorship: Penguin
  • WWF £36 Animal Sponsorship: Turtle


 Eco Council Aims:

  • We aim to continue to promote recycling throughout school, including taking part in the Duracell Big Battery Hunt.
  • We aim to promote the use of sustainable transport methods, including cycling to school and to continue to promote our anti-idling stance.
  • We aim to develop our school environment, by promoting biodiversity (planting, use of bird feeders etc.) alongside regular litter picks to keep our surroundings tidy and safe for the wildlife living within our grounds.