Learning & Development

School Council

At Red Lane our school council is made up of representatives from each class from Year 2 to Year 6. Representatives are elected at the start of each school year and represent their class on the council. Miss Taylor works with the council on matters raised by pupils in school or directs the council to matters arising in school.

School Council hit the ground running in their role this year with an educational visit to meet the Mayor of Bolton at his Parlour. They had an amazing time and this was a fantastic experience for the children as they were able to ask the Mayor questions about his role and also share their aspirations for the future. 

Following on from last year, this year's school councillors have continued to raise awareness of road safety and they have raised money, through cake and book sales to buy bike racks for the school. In Autumn term, they organised for a visitor to come into school to speak to the children about road safety and organised bike-ability for Year 5 and Year 6 pupils to further support road safety.

Following weekly school council meetings, the children planned Friendship Fridays. On Friendship Fridays, the councillors are out on the playground in their high vis jackets looking out for children, who show kind and caring behaviour towards others. They will be reward these wonderful role models with a friendship sticker for displaying our core values.  As part of Friendship Fridays, School Council are also raising money for a Buddy Bench on the playground by selling friendship bracelets in school

If all that wasn't enough, school council have recorded their very own podcasts. Have a listen:

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4 

Episode 5

Episode 6