Our School
Inclusion Quality Mark Centre of Excellence
At Red Lane we are constantly striving to develop our inclusive practice and search for ways to further support our pupils, families and staff. In June 2021, we originally applied to the awarding body to achieve the Quality Mark award. Following a two day evaluation by an accredited assessor, we were delighted to not only achieve the Inclusion Quality Mark, but also be named as a Centre of Excellence.
As a Centre of Excellence, we have been recognised for our outstanding inclusive practice. We meet and work collaboratively with other accredited educational facilities to develop the quality of our offering further and share good practice. Meetings are held termly and representatives from each of the educational providers in the north west cluster attend the meetings which are held in the different schools.
We were delighted to host our first cluster meeting, when we shared our work with Thrive. During the day, visitors had the opportunity to take a tour of the school, talk to pupils and staff, engage in debate and discussion and visit our wonderful Hub.
In July of this year (2024) we were delighted to again be recognised as an Inclusive Centre of Excellence following our annual review. The visiting assessor reviewed our action plan (a key aspect of continuing to develop our practice and maintain the status), toured the school, met with members of the school staff and met with a number of pupils, including our new prefect team.
Following their visit, school received the report and we are extremely proud to share some of the key quotes from their findings.
‘Red Lane Primary School continues to be a Centre of Excellence for inclusion, placing inclusive values at the heart of its offer to pupils and their families. ‘Believe-Achieve-Succeed’ is the simple message; a positive mantra which illustrates the value placed on every individual in the community and an ambitious resolve that only the best is enough. This school has a holistic approach, putting relationships at the core of everything and incorporating a family approach with eyes on the wider community and the world beyond.’
‘Leaders are adaptable and innovative. They gather information diligently and analyse it carefully to inform planning, which is highly focused and impactful.’
‘A very comprehensive offer of support is available for parents and every effort is made to ensure that engagement with families is the best that it can be.’
‘The SLT is well supported by a Governing Body that is strongly committed and knows the school very well.’
‘There is a strong impression that a great deal of thought has gone into every square inch of the environment so that it can be used to its maximum potential by learners.’
‘Pupils feel a strong attachment to their school, describing themselves to me as ‘Red Laners.’
We are thrilled with the findings of the assessor and to be able to share these with you. Following this process, we have continued to plan and implement ideas to further fulfil our commitment to providing a high quality inclusive education to all.
One particular area of focus for the new year is developing our community outreach work. The new prefect team will be a leading light in developing this aspect of our promise. We encourage all families to keep a watchful eye for further updates in terms of our inclusive work and would love to see many of you at our upcoming community events – a great opportunity to meet our pupils and staff.
If you would like to find out more about the Inclusion Quality Mark organisation and the work they do, please visit their website.
Inclusion Quality Mark | IQM Inclusive School Award (iqmaward.com)
We thank our whole school community for your help and support in achieving these wonderful awards and maintaining our high standards.