
The School Day


Morning Session: 8.45am - 11.45am
Afternoon Session: 12.30pm - 15.30pm

Reception - Year 6

8.40am - Doors open & morning work started
8.50am - Registration
8.50am - 3.30pm - School Day Hours

This equates to 33.3 hours a week

Entering School

Our doors will be open from 8.40am and children are welcome to come straight into class and begin morning learning tasks. Registration takes place at 8.50am promptly and therefore children should not be arriving at school at this time. 

Please be punctual as lateness impacts on your child’s progress. Even 5 minutes a day of lateness per day adds up to almost 16 hours of lost learning over a year.

Parents should bring their child to the classroom door and hand them over to the member of staff on duty. Children should not be left alone on the playground as the site is not secure at this time of day.